Wednesday, 8 December 2010

my favorite thing about quiddage is that we get to open businesses and it teaches us to spend our money wisely. it also tells use not to waste our money for things we want not need. i dont really like the idea of retirement because it means the people doing 1h retirement could porpessly mess up the class room so the people with no retirement would have to work harder to clean up.

Sunday, 5 December 2010

my 40k army will be based on tanport for all my troops so i can get them where i want when i want and also so i can have alot of fire power. i have also got captian cato sactris he will be the spearhead of my army. the libabrian well be the searhead of my tremies

Wednesday, 1 December 2010


I was running towards the long jump pit I jumped with all my might I got a 2! Normally I would have gotten a 1 I did achieve my goal to get a 2 or higher. My Favorited event was the long jump but I think I could of done better. The hurdles were the hardest because they were so tall.`